​07850 473277
About Strutton Preservation
We're a Suffolk based business serving the whole of East Anglia and beyond.
We believe that period properties, barn conversions and listed buildings deserve the very best timber maintenance and repair to conserve their future.
At Strutton Preservation, we offer a range of timber treatment services which help secure the integrity of your building.
Specialising in wood restoration and repair, we also treat common problems
such as;
wet rot
dry rot
wood destroying insects
wood rotting fungus

Our Quality is guaranteed
We are fully insured and assure the highest quality of service provided.

Strutton Preservation have an excellent attitude and eye to detail, they have been polite, friendly and very reliable.
We could not believe that you could match the colour of new oaks to their far more mature cousins and achieve the finish we so strived for.
Wendy Harloure,
Marble Arch, London

Secure the future of your character property with preservation and enhancement treatments from Strutton Preservation